Sharing the Gospel is only the beginning...

It starts with a Chat...

Shalom, I’ve been watching your videos, and I have come to the conclusion Yeshua is the Messiah. What do I do next?
Shalom, it’s wonderful to hear from you. Welcome to the family of believers! Where are you writing from?
Tel Aviv. I live here with two roommates. I’m reading the New Testament every day now, and I have lots of questions. Can you help me?
Absolutely! What questions do you have?

Israelis touched by the Gospel

"I’m Orthodox Jewish, not by my own choice, but I believe in Yeshua… I want to talk to someone about this, can you help me? I want to be a Messianic Jew. How do you become one - is there some sort of procedure for this?"
"I finished reading the New Testament… and I wanted to say thank you that I was exposed to it through your videos, and to the Messianic faith in general, which has changed, is changing, and will continue to change my life forever.
"I saw your videos on YouTube. I always believed that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel, and they kept trying to convince me otherwise, but I didn't give up until I found answers with you. ♥"
Our online outreach videos are viewed over

60,000 times a day in ISRAEL alone!

We are chatting daily with seekers on Facebook and What’sApp. Discipleship is crucial to all the work we’re doing, and we’ve developed a multi-faceted approach to discipleship uniquely crafted for ministry in Israel.

Personal Connection

Our goal is to personally engage with each new believer who reaches out to us. Our team meets with Israelis every day on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger to answer questions, gift them with a New Testament, and connect them to a congregation in their region. Our team is answering questions directly to seekers online in our Hebrew and Arabic outreach campaigns. We’re meeting face to face and connecting new believers with local pastors and ministers in their area. But many are unable or afraid to take that step into the local congregation and personal meetings. And that’s why our next step is so crucial.

THE IMPORTANCE OF Online Discipleship

For many in Israel, meeting face to face to discuss their new faith feels impossible. Most are confused with questions and afraid others will find out.
Obstacles Israelis Face to Being Discipled
Many from ultra-Orthodox and Muslim backgrounds face real danger in coming out as a believer and hide their faith for years.
Social Fears
Many Israelis fear being cut off from family and friends.
Am I converting to a new religion? Am I joining the enemy of my people?
No Nearby Church or Messianic Congregation
Restricted Transportation Options
on the Sabbath (Friday evening to Saturday evening), Israel’s day off.

Our online discipleship series overcomes these obstacles, providing a secure lifeline to explore who Yeshua is and what it means to follow Him.

Many don’t understand the importance of being connected in the community of faith and our online series and resources help provide a lifeline of information and spiritual growth to the new believers of Israel. Also as we’re reaching Millions with the Gospel, the online Discipleship helps us bridge the gap from outreach into spiritual growth and engage these online seekers and new believers in a deeper way, with the ultimate goal of being planted in a local congregation.

Same Gospel, Different Background

Paul made clear in 1 Corinthians 9 that the Gospel is the same, but the approach on how he taught his Jewish brothers was drastically different than how he taught and related the scriptures to the Gentile church. It’s no different today. Our series of teachings goes deep into the questions many of us faced in our walk of faith and connects with the Jewish and Israeli society in a powerful way. We offer 2 courses for free online, “The Teachings of the New Testament” in Hebrew and “Follow Messiah” in English.

VIEW our 16-part Online Discipleship Series, Follow Messiah, for English Speakers

Partner with us to train Israelis for a life of Discipleship

Connecting believers in Israel!

At a local meeting of pastors one of our friends approached us and said we effectively have one of the largest gatherings of believers in Israel! He was referring to our Messianic Group on Facebook, currently over 2,500 messianic believers from all over Israel. This private group is a safe space for believers to lift each other up and encourage others with new insights and news. And our Hebrew Discipleship Series continues to provoke amazing conversations within our groups, including positive reviews from pastors across Israel.
"In the New Testament it's different: there is forgiveness, love, and compassion. And it really does me a lot of good to read it."
"Thank you very much. I removed a stone from my heart, thanks to your explanation. I will once again say well done. You are true children of God - you can really feel it."
"I wanted to tell you that last Saturday night I admitted to my parents that I believe in Jesus. Do you have any suggestions about how to deal with this sort of situation?"
Did you know?
In any Israeli bookstore, you can find a Quran, the Buddhist Tripitaka and books about almost any religion you can imagine,

but you won’t find the New Testament.

ONE FOR ISRAEL provides thousands of Hebrew New Testaments to Israelis for free in print,  on their phones through our Hebrew Bible app, and online with our Bible website – making the truth of Yeshua and His Word accessible in the Holy Land once again.

“I ordered the New Testament! Waiting for it to come, thirsty to know more! Thank you very much.” – Orit
“I open the Bible every day (the Old Testament when I’m around others, but I dig in the New Testament non-stop when I am alone) and it is so good…” - Yosef


Young Adult Ministry
We intentionally create community with our campus rooftop nights of worship and teaching. Hundreds of young Israelis join us and many invite their friends as seekers, to come and enjoy the presence of the Lord and discover what the Body of Messiah is all about. These Worship and teaching nights unite friendships and connect believers from all over Israel and provide a place of refreshment and encouragement for their walk with God.
Arab and Jewish Israelis worshiping Yeshua as ONE!
Arab and Jewish Israelis worshiping Yeshua as ONE!

IDF Discipleship & Mentorship Ministry

“Winning the Spiritual Battle, for Young Israelis”
Following high school, most Israeli teenagers enter service in the Israel Defense Force (IDF). This is an extremely challenging time, especially for soldiers who follow Jesus. Our IDF ministry connects these young believers with daily devotionals sent directly to their phones, powerful teaching videos to encourage them, and conferences specifically designed to strengthen and equip them to be a light and grow in their relationship with God during their army service. Learn more about this powerful ministry in the link below.

It’s not just how you find Jesus. It’s how you learn to walk with Him.

In the place where Peter, James and John walked, a new generation of disciples is rising. Will we see new Peters in our era?

Whose life will you impact with your gift today?

“Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him,
‘If you abide in My word, then you are truly My disciples.’”

– John 8:31

How Can I Help?



Pray for our discipleship team as they produce content and personally engage with new believers. Pray that they each would continue to grow in their walk with the Lord as they teach others how to follow Him. Pray for the new believers we are reaching, that they would grow strong in the faith.


Proclaim how the Lord is working in Israel and share with others how they can support new believers through our discipleship ministry.


Pray for our discipleship team as they produce content and personally engage with new believers. Pray that they each would continue to grow in their walk with the Lord as they teach others how to follow Him. Pray for the new believers we are reaching, that they would grow strong in the faith.
ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718

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