Tzofen - Soldier's Ministry

Soldiers Ministry


The Vision and Heart of the Ministry

“We’re all in the same place, serving in the army, but to be able to share our common struggles and hardships that we’re all dealing with, really helps and strengthens us.”

“Many times we’re going through something and we think we’re the only one in the world going through it. Then we come here (to the Soldiers Ministry conference), and we begin sharing with one another and discover we’re going through the same things, and we’re able to pray with one another…to be able to share with one another holds so much power, just as Yeshua said ‘two are better than one.’”

“Thank you for your willingness to serve us as soldiers and to give us your time to invest in us!”

They’re just Kids.

When others their age around the world are going off to their first year in college and working their first or second jobs, they are sweating it through basic training and learning to live a regimented life on a military base. They come from all backgrounds and all personalities – athletic and artistic, book-smart and street-smart, outgoing and shy, weak and strong. With few exceptions, they didn’t volunteer for this, it’s mandatory*. In your town or city, these young men and women would just be transitioning from youth group to a college or young adults group. But in Israel, they are soldiers, serving to protect their country in a neighborhood full of enemies. And as believers, they make up a small yet significant portion of the Israel Defense Force (IDF). Like Gideon’s army, they are well-positioned to make a Kingdom impact within the nation.

Did you know?
Approximately 400 believers are currently serving in the IDF, out of a total of 200,000 active service members.

LESS tHan 1%

Serving in the IDF is not easy.

It comes with a host of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges that can severely test and even break a person.

For a soldier who believes in Yeshua (Jesus), the challenges can be compounded by the intense feeling of being alone – oftentimes, there is no community of believers on a base, and the soldier discovers he or she is the only one. Surrounded by conflicting values and worldviews, with strong peer pressure to conform and not stand out, they find themselves facing a battle of a different kind: the battle to stay strong in their faith.

With base life isolating them from their homes, congregations, and other believing friends, they decide to give the ways of the world a shot. They walk away from the faith. Others, though not walking away, find it difficult to stay strong, being buffeted by trials and temptations to such a degree that when they leave the army they are on spiritual life support.

0 %

Tragically, that's the percentage of Israeli believing soldiers losing the battle...

Winning the Spiritual Battle

ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Soldiers Ministry exists as a spiritual armory and training center to support these and all believing soldiers, equipping them to stand strong in their faith and against the spiritual attacks of the enemy. Our aim is nothing less than to raise up generations of Ephesians 6 men and women who are trained to put on the full armor of God, looking to Him as their commander-in-chief and sticking with Him no matter what battles they face. Men and women who leave the army stronger than when they entered it, who don’t merely survive their service, but thrive within it. 

Equipment from the Armory


Weekly videos and devotionals produced from our studio that specifically address topics relevant to a soldier’s life: “How do I ‘pray constantly’ in the whirlwind of life on an army base?” 

Bible readings with practical, real-life applications sent directly to soldiers’ phones and care packages delivered to their bases, making spiritual sustenance readily available.

Regular conferences where we gather the soldiers together to recharge and reset, providing them opportunities for mutual encouragement and fellowship and challenging them with spiritually-rich teaching to keep them going strong during their service.


For any army to succeed, the soldiers need a good, reliable supply chain, the resources to get the job done. For ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Soldiers Ministry, we need a good supply chain too.

Would you prayerfully consider being part of our supply team, to bless and encourage the believers who are serving their country, to help them stand strong in their faith and be a light and testimony within the IDF?

Here’s how you can help…



Pray for our soldiers as they navigate their army service as believers in Yeshua. Pray for them to remain in the Lord, to trust Him in every circumstance.



Proclaim to your friends, family, small group, church or congregation how there are believers in Yeshua serving in the IDF today and how they can support them. Share what believers experience during their service and what ONE FOR ISRAEL is doing to make a difference.



Your regular or one-time gift designated to ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Soldiers Ministry will enable the production of spiritual equipment and resources for our soldiers – weekly videos and devotionals, care packages delivered to their bases, prepared Bible readings with practical, real-life applications, and regular conferences. It will remind our soldiers that they are not alone, but supported by believers from around the world who stand with them. And ultimately, it will be a blessing not only for them, but will overflow to those they encounter as they serve the nation of Israel.

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