"The children would beat me and call me a dirty Jew"
Vladimir grew up surrounded by Anti-Semitism, even though he was raised an atheist Jew, but little
Vladimir grew up surrounded by Anti-Semitism, even though he was raised an atheist Jew, but little
Growing up as an Ethiopian Jew, Avi suffered from racism and legalism. Just before giving up
Rabbinic Judaism seemed constrictive and superstitious to Orna, but when she turned to God for answers,
The spiritual journey of Jewish Israeli Pastor Eitan Kashtan
Believing in God after the Holocaust was very difficult for many Jewish people, but Meno’s father
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Israeli Jewish Millionaire Found Her Lifestyle To Be EMPTY.
“Where was God during the holocaust?” is the question that kept Sam away from faith. Starting
“YES! I ADMIT IT, I’M A GEEK. I LOVE SCIENCE!” See how Dan, an Israeli from
“I realized Yitzhak Rabin is NOT the first Jewish leader we killed!”
“I came that you might have life and have it to the full.” These words were
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