He saw Yeshua on the Mount of Transfiguration! (I Met Messiah) – Greg Hershberg
Raised in a Orthodox home in the Bronx Greg Hershberg never connected deeply with the synagogue
Raised in a Orthodox home in the Bronx Greg Hershberg never connected deeply with the synagogue
Happy 80th Sid Roth! We’re celebrating with Sid Roth his 80th birthday by publishing his life
Jonathan Bernis of “Jewish Voice” shares his testimony how as a Jewish person he found Christ!
Sharon Gabizon didnt want to hear about Jesus, until one day, she begged God for a
In this Jewish testimonial video, Dr. Stuart Dauermann, Dr. Stuart Daurermann grew up in Flatbush, Brooklyn
“I came that you might have life and have it to the full.” These words were
I found NO lasting pleasure in the world, and always ran into Gentiles who knew my God BETTER than
This Jewish actor foresaw his success, but also the emptiness it came with. His resulting search
Her Iranian mother facing death, Shohreh realized she had no real answers despite her Jewish upbringing and years
I BEGGED Jesus to heal my son. I can’t keep quiet anymore.–After leaving IRAN, Jewish man
A victim of sexual assault, this Jewish woman found peace, the power to forgive, and new
Iranian Jew Kamran Jadda lived with his brother after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Isolated and depressed
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