Who Wrote the Story of Esther?
The Book of Esther is a perfect story, written by the perfect author: God. He is
The Book of Esther is a perfect story, written by the perfect author: God. He is
J.E.F. of Shemen Sasson writes about a curious turn of phrase in the book of Esther: “For
The book of Esther is about a secretly Jewish orphan girl who bravely offers up her
The book of Esther is a brilliant story with twists and turns of intrigue, disaster and
Purim commemorates the narrow escape of the entire Jewish people from the threat of annihilation, and
Purim is the Jewish holiday taken from the book of Esther that reminds us that God
Esther was an undercover agent. Esther wasn’t even her real name. She was really called Hadassah
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