“Create in me a clean heart‭, ‬O God‭, ‬and renew a right spirit within me‭.‬”‭ (‬Psalm 51:10‭)‬

September 2025

Notable dates & events

September 23rd is the first day of the Jewish month of Tishrei. According to the Bible, this is the first day of the seventh month, on which we are to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets, or “Yom HaTeruah”. The real start of the year is on the first day of the first month (Nisan), however, over the centuries, the first of Tishrei has been adopted as the Jewish new year and is known as Rosh Hashanah. How did the Feast of Trumpets become Rosh hashanah?

September 23rd – October 2nd are known as the Ten Days of Awe. They are the time when Jewish people prepare their hearts for the holiest day of the Jewish calendar: The Day of Atonement.

Fall is also a time of harvest and ingathering. We often think of the seven species at this time of year, particularly pomegranates and figs which are seen in abundance in the Fall, and have great prophetic meaning.

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