My story:
“Jesus for me is the Messiah. I need to get stronger in my faith because I’m afraid of what others will think. And I don’t know how to explain it all to them. I am reading the Bible though.”
What to know
- We get messages every day from seekers. In order to understand how best to help them, we always ask, “Who is Jesus for you?” We often find, like in the case of this girl, that they have already put their faith in Jesus.
- The privacy and anonymity of watching our videos enables people to explore their questions without pressure or shame. Many find answers and faith this way.
- This girl found the truth about Jesus through watching our videos, which is what happens to many when they start to google their questions about faith.
- Many people start seeking spiritual answers in times of hardship and distress. During the current war we have seen a steady increase in the number of those subscribing to our videos.
- Our Hebrew language YouTube channels is now one of the most popular in Israel, with the same number of followers as several of the main news outlets.
How to Pray
- Pray that many Israelis find Jesus through evangelistic media like ours
- Pray for God’s leading and inspiration for our team as they plan what videos to make
- Pray for those who make commitments of faith to find fellowship and help growing as a disciple of Jesus
- Pray that all Israel, regardless of background, may be saved!
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