“I started to read the New Testament on your app. I so love reading it!”

My story:

Hi dear friends! I started to read the New Testament on your app. I so love reading it! It just fills my heart and there’s no doubt it’s stirring profound feelings about Jesus and God after reading what’s recorded there in the New Testament. I still haven’t managed to get to a congregation yet, but I’ll do it!

What to know

  • ONE FOR ISRAEL has developed the No.#1 Hebrew New Testament app in the world! It’s a perfect solution to bring the truth about Jesus to Israelis in a country where it’s hard to buy a copy in bookstores.
  • It is common to hear new believers in Israel share their testimony saying they found Jesus on the internet, when they started googling their questions.
  • It’s not always easy for new believers in Israel to be honest with their family and circle of friends about their faith in Jesus. Taking the step to attend a congregation can be very difficult at first, but really helps us grow in our faith, and find fellowship and encouragement.


How to Pray

  • Pray that many more would start reading the New Testament whether it’s finding a copy, downloading the app, or reading it online.
  • Pray for Israelis to search for God and find Him.
  • Pray for courage and wisdom for new believers who are struggling to tell others about their decision to follow Jesus.
  • Pray for new believers to find a good congregation where they can be spiritually fed and cared for as they grow in their faith.



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