My story:
I started to believe in Jesus thanks to your videos on YouTube and on igod. I saw a lot of the videos and then I ordered a New Testament and I started to read it. For me, Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of David, the beloved Son of the Creator who came through the Holy Spirit. I know of one other Messianic Jew who believes in secret.
What to know
- You cannot get hold of the New Testament in regular bookshops in Israel, so we offer them for free on our websites.
- Our videos help present the truth about Jesus in a way that is easier to hear and think about, in the Hebrew language and from a Jewish perspective.
- Many will consider the claims of Jesus by being able to explore their questions in private, without feeling pushed or harassed. Media ministry is a perfect way for Jewish Israelis to hear the truth about Jesus.
- It is common to hear new believers in Israel share their testimony saying they found Jesus on the internet, when they started googling their questions.
How to Pray
- Pray for believers like this guy and his friend who follow Jesus in secret. Pray for their growth, strengthening, and boldness so they can be open about what they believe at the right time, and in the right way.
- Pray for Israelis to get hold of the New Testament—and to read it!
- Praise God for all those finding the truth through our YouTube channel, igod, and pray that many more find our videos online and come to believe in Jesus.
- Pray for us, as we support seekers and new believers who want to follow Jesus even though the cost is high.
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