My story:
I am ready for you to contact me and ready to receive you with love, as I feel when reading the book. I am no longer interested in staying in contact with rabbis, because there are things in the Torah that are simply terrifying. But the divine Jesus I am ready to receive as someone who will always be with me.
What to know
- This person came to explore the teachings of Jesus because of New Age ideas about “Christ consciousness”. This New Age version of Jesus is not the real Jesus, but reading the New Testament is always a good idea.
- Not much is known about Jesus in Israel, even though this is the land of His birth, and the people of Israel are His family.
- Many new believers say they found Jesus on the internet, when they started googling their questions.
- It’s not easy to get hold of a copy of the New Testament in Israel.
How to Pray
- Please pray for this person and others steeped in New Age mysticism to see the true Jesus, the Messiah of Israel!
- Pray for our team to have wisdom to know how to help and support seekers who get in touch.
- Pray that God would give great courage to Israelis who are starting to explore the truth about Jesus.
- Pray for new believers to find a good congregation where they can be spiritually fed and cared for as they grow in their faith.
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