“I admitted to my family that I believe in Jesus”

My story:

I wanted to tell you that last Saturday night I admitted to my family that I believe in Jesus. Do you have any suggestions about how to deal with this sort of situation?

They basically said that they are not angry, but my father asked if I would still keep the traditions of our people. I said yes, and my mother gave the standard response that it’s Christianity I believe in, and that there’s no such thing as a Jew who believes in Jesus.

They said I’m still their son and that they love me anyway regardless, which was a relief to hear. They want to bring a rabbi though so I can ask him any questions I might have.

I grew up in a traditional Jewish home, and the traditions are important to my parents. My father grew up Orthodox with a proper Jewish education, so although he’s traditional he is still connected to a more Orthodox expression of Judaism.

What to know

  • It’s usually very hard for Jewish people to admit to their family and friends that they believe in Jesus. It’s seen as betrayal, because of the way the church persecuted Jewish people throughout the centuries.
  • Many Jewish people mistakenly think it’s impossible to be Jewish and believe in Jesus at the same time, even though they accept Jewish atheists, Jewish people who practice things like New Age spirituality, or Buddhism.
  • Many Israelis hear the truth about Jesus for the first time through our evangelistic videos.
  • Our Hebrew language YouTube channels is now one of the most popular in Israel, with the same number of followers as several of the main news outlets.

How to Pray

  • Pray for the many Jewish Israelis who are exploring and learning about Jesus at this time
  • Pray for new believers to have courage to tell others about their faith
  • Pray for those who make commitments of faith to find fellowship and help growing as a disciple of Jesus
  • Pray that all Israel, regardless of background, may be saved!



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