For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

The Best Way for Canada to Bless Israel Is With Jesus!

other ways to Give

Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001


Make payable to: ONE FOR ISRAEL – Canada

Canada Mailing address:

202 – 919 Centre St. NW
Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6

Canadian Registration #: 850121203 RR 0001

Please No Cash or Money Orders

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Donate by Estate Giving

In as little as one sentence in your will or trust, you can ensure that future generations of Israelis will have access to the gospel…

Let us know your intention to designate a legacy gift to ONE FOR ISRAEL by completing and returning a Letter of Intent by mail (2202 – 919 Centre St. NW Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6) or email ([email protected]). Please contact your financial advisor or attorney for questions about legacy giving and making charity provisions in your will or trust.


Donate by Phone

Canada: +1 587-316-1300

US: +1 817-427-4900

Make a secure donation by calling our North American office  Monday – Friday  9am – 4:30pm CT

Accountability & Stewardship

ONE FOR ISRAEL believes God delights in faithful stewardship of His resources.
In our aim to have the highest standards of transparency and accountability,
ONE FOR ISRAEL maintains ministry profiles with:

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel and is a Canadian Registered Charity - Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001

What is the

Impact of my Donation?

Reveal Jesus to Israel and the Middle East

After 2000 years, Israel is awakening to the gospel once again, and thousands are meeting Jesus through our evangelistic videos. Beyond that, our Arabic outreach is reaching Muslim seekers in Israel and the Middle East with the Gospel of Peace.

We create relevant and engaging content with over 60,000 views a day in Israel alone!

Make Disciples in Israel

Everyday thousands of Israelis watch our Gospel films, but one of our greatest challenges is to help these underground seekers become disciples.

Our team assists new believers by connecting them with the local church, providing online discipleship resources, and hosting special events to facilitate community.

Equip Israel’s
Spiritual Leaders

In the past Israelis had to learn English, uproot their families, and leave their congregations to study the Bible abroad. But today, through our Bible College, pastors and ministry leaders are able to study the Scriptures in Hebrew, and remain in their communities as they become equipped to serve in ministry throughout Israel.

Show Israelis God’s Love

Through an established grassroots network of believers, we identify Holocaust survivors and at risk mothers in need of food and essential supplies.

The support and personal care of our team reminds survivors they are not alone, and encourages families who chose life over abortion.


Proclaim the Word from Zion

Millions from around the world view our videos and are being connected with God’s heart for Israel and the nations. Your partnership helps us show God’s faithfulness to Israel and brings the Gospel and encouraging testimonies to the nations.

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