The Bible describes phenomena which, according to the laws of nature, are impossible.
Virgins don’t give birth. Angels don’t deliver messages to humans. The sea doesn’t part on its own. Fire doesn’t rain down from the sky. People don’t walk on water. The dead don’t come back to life. Donkeys don’t talk. The sun doesn’t stand still in the sky. And the list goes on and on….
Some claim that, back when the Bible was written, people were gullible and would believe any fairytale they heard. Whereas today, we are enlightened and educated and therefore, we can’t take these stories seriously.

Faith in miracles is based on one miracle – the greatest miracle: the existence of life and the universe.

Whoever believes God created the world won’t find it hard to believe all that is said about Him in the Bible. If God is capable of creating the universe and everything within it, miracles such as the parting of the Red Sea, water coming out of a rock, or a virgin pregnancy should be no problem for Him. After all, there’s nothing that God cannot do.
In the New Testament, when Paul the apostle is arrested for questioning regarding the miracles that happened around Yeshua and the disciples, he replied with the following question:

“Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?” [Acts 26:8]

Therefore, the REAL question is not whether miracles are possible. This question merely veils the deeper one:
Is there a God?
If there is, of course miracles would be possible, since the Creator is not limited by the dimensions of His creation. The laws of nature are natural processes which people, who are subject to them, defined as “laws”.
The fact that miracles go against the laws of nature doesn’t prove they can’t happen. Rather, it’s meant to show us there are supernatural powers that exist outside the natural world. Powers which aren’t subject to the same dimensions we are. After all, by definition, signs and miracles contradict the natural laws, as they were designed to demonstrate the existence of a supernatural power.

Is it true that the people who lived in biblical times were so naïve that they believed anything?

Maybe they simply were easily misled, which made them believe that what is described in the Bible was miraculous. Nowadays, however, as we live in a world of science, we have matured and liberated ourselves from superstition. We now understand that miracles are actually fantasy,  and can in no way be supernatural phenomena.
But this notion is incredibly arrogant. People who lived in biblical times knew that the sea didn’t usually just part in two, that the sun does not move backwards and that an ordinary man can’t walk on water. In the New Testament, after Yeshua’s death by crucifixion, one of His disciples refused to believe Yeshua’s other disciples, who claimed that He had been resurrected:

“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” [John 20:24]

And as he said, he only believed it after he met Yeshua in the flesh.
Believing in miracles doesn’t mean we, or those who lived thousands of years ago, believe ridiculous stories. Both we and they have the ability to distinguish between fairytales and miracles.
People who lived in ancient times were just as skeptical as we are.

What about those who compare the miracles described in the Bible to various mythologies?

Miracles ARE described in the Bible. But even Greek mythology, for example, describes miracles as supernatural acts. The difference is that, in the Bible, the miracles are signs and wonders. Meaning the miracles weren’t performed in order to glorify those who performed them, but were designed to point to God, like a signpost.
When Moses brought the ten plagues down on Egypt, he did so in God’s name. When Yeshua performed miracles, healed the sick and resurrected the dead, no one asked if He was capable of performing miracles, but instead what the source of His authority was.
Even Yeshua’s strongest opponents, the Pharisee rabbis, recognized Yeshua and His disciples had supernatural powers. The rabbinical Talmud acknowledges that Yeshua performed wonders and miracles, but claims He was a sorcerer who used satanic powers. Yeshua’s opponents couldn’t and wouldn’t dare deny that He performed wonders and miracles which were seen by the people, as they themselves witnessed them. This, as opposed to various mythologies in which there were never any witnesses to the events described in these tales.
What about the argument that the stories in the Bible also appear in the folk tales of other ancient nations? For example, the story of Noah and the flood is similarly described in other nations’ stories as well.
In our opinion, this only reaffirms what is described in the Bible. Why?
Because if an event of this global magnitude which affected humanity in its entirety really did occur, we shouldn’t be surprised that other nations would document the same event as well.

So why do many people still deny the possibility of miracles?

Because denying miracles fits in with their worldviews. They have never witnessed a miracle and consequently have concluded that miracles are impossible. However, that is not the right way to deal with any issue. Too many people are quick to dismiss anything that conflicts with their worldviews.
The first explorers to reach Australia discovered an animal that couldn’t be classified as any known species. The animal was an amphibian, a mammal which lays eggs, with a wide and flat tail,feet reminiscent of a frog, and a snout resembling a duck’s beak. They named this animal “platypus”. Upon their return to their country, some accused them of deceit, as such an animal couldn’t possibly exist. The researchers’ findings were dismissed, even though they saw the animal with their own eyes. The people who heard them were simply unwilling to change their worldviews.
Many of us reach conclusions before examining the evidence. This approach contradicts the scientific approach, of which modern society is so proud, and it also places its followers in danger.

If there is a God, and if He indeed chose to show Himself to mankind through miracles, denying them would eliminate the possibility for people to discover God.

When someone rejects the possibility that God supernaturally intervened in the course of history, they actually seal their option of understanding the meaning of life. Therefore, it’s important to examine the possibility that miracles DO happen.
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