"Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God
for Israel is that they may be saved." - Romans 10:1​

Israel is experiencing a SPIRITUAL

Shalom Friend!

Our ministry, ONE FOR ISRAEL, is a movement of Jewish and Arab Israeli followers of Jesus with a commission to reach their country and the nations with the Gospel. We see our call to equip believers in Israel and around the world with the tools of ministry through our media outreach, and to train and empower local ministers in Israel with our Bible college and discipleship programs.


For 2000 years, the Jewish Messiah has been hidden from the Jewish people… but today Israel is awakening to the Gospel!

99% of Israeli Jews
do NOT have a relationship with Jesus

This awakening is not in the local square but online, as thousands of Israelis are responding to our Gospel outreach. Our websites and social media platforms are a destination for seekers all over Israel, packed with testimonies, apologetics videos answering atheists and rabbinic objections to Jesus, and many more faith-related topics. In these videos, we defend our faith with apologetics and challenge non-believers to investigate and reconsider their views about Jesus. Every day our team responds to seekers from all over Israel, hungry to know more about our Messiah. In addition to our outreach in Hebrew, we have seen millions impacted all around the globe with inspiring films such as our series of Jewish testimonies, I Met Messiah.
“Yeshua is the Son of God, and through your videos I finally saw who He truly is…”
“The first time I came across your videos I couldn’t accept it because of the walls built around my heart since childhood…but today I am convinced that Yeshua is the Messiah.”
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of our evangelistic videos in Hebrew, Arabic and English (updated 2024)


of our Hebrew outreach videos (updated 2024)

Over 7X the number of views than there are Hebrew-speakers in the whole world!

Only $25 a month can help us reach thousands in Israel and the Middle East with powerful Gospel films.


The awakening in Israel is like an iceberg, what we see is just the tip, there’s a large group of seekers under the water, and it’s our passion to engage them and bridge the gap into discipleship and spiritual growth!
All glory to God, we’re seeing many come to faith and respond daily to the Gospel through our online outreach. But with such a surge of new seekers, and many still living with their families in the Ultra-Orthodox communities we needed to help these new believers take their next steps into discipleship.

Path#1 Personal Connection

This is our first priority, and from our connections running our Bible college we’re able to connect them with local believers in their region. But the sad truth is many aren’t in a place where they’re able to meet face to face. Most are confused with questions and afraid others will find out. This is where step 2 is so crucial.

Path#2 Online Discipleship

We’re reaching millions in Israel with the Gospel, so we need to bridge the gap between our outreach and personal discipleship. Our series of 26 foundational teachings helps give seekers and new believers a strong start. Many are confused at what it means to be a follower of Jesus. “Is the Pope our chief rabbi?” is a more common question than you’d think! This online approach gives seekers and new believers a lifeline to explore who Yeshua is and what it means to follow Him, and in the midst, we weave a thread of the importance of connecting personally with the community of faith.

Path#3 Young Adults Events

We’ve had great success with our rooftop young adult evenings! Hundreds of young Israeli believers come, and many bring unbelievers and new seekers to the events! It’s a time for many to connect in community and a less intimidating setting for new seekers to join. These events as well as our ministry to IDF soldiers provide key teaching and fellowship for Arab and Jewish Israelis to join together and worship and learn as ONE!
“When I became a believer, I had no one around me to turn to. Your discipleship series and online mentorship were a lifeline for me, encouraging me and teaching me how to walk with Yeshua.”

Arabic Outreach

Reaching ALL of Israel and the Middle East with the Gospel
After the success of our Hebrew and English outreach, to our surprise, we started getting responses from the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza from our Hebrew outreach videos! We then formed an Arabic media outreach team to reach our brothers in Israel and around the Middle East with the Gospel in Arabic. We connect with those who come to challenge, respond and ask questions, and have seen many come to faith, get baptized, and start the journey of discipleship with us. Choosing to follow Jesus is a brave step for anyone, but it can be extremely costly in the Middle East. Our team is there to help new believers navigate the difficult and dangerous territory of being a disciple of Jesus in a Muslim environment. And through this ministry we also see a fulfillment of scripture and a testimony to our nation as Jewish and Arab believers work as ONE for the Gospel for the Glory of our Messiah.
“May the Lord bless your ministry in Jesus Christ name, in order to liberate souls and pass them from darkness to the Holy Light. Amen.”
Hadil, Arab evangelism team:
“When they watch our videos on location from Israel, they can’t believe it. To hear the Word of God preached at the Holy sites by Arab believers in Arabic is simply not heard of in the Arab world. They have great respect for us that we are from the Holy Land and know the biblical languages, and many are open and hungry to hear about Jesus.”
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Bible College

“Imagine becoming the first believer in your community and there is no one to disciple you or to teach you how to establish a congregation.”

We are the only evangelical Hebrew-speaking seminary in the world.

Our Bible college and seminary broke new ground for the growth of the Gospel in Israel. Previously, pastors and ministry leaders had to learn English and travel abroad for years to get proper Bible training. But today they can stay in Israel, plugged into their calling, and study in their native tongue. This has been revolutionary for church growth in Israel. Our goal is to equip Israeli believers with the tools they need for God’s service, right where they are. We offer courses online and in person ranging from certificate programs to advanced courses for pastors and ministry workers. As well we opened a special program specifically for senior leadership and pastors in Israel, and in the first year, an equal number of Messianic Jewish and Evangelical Arab pastors enrolled. During their studies, they became great friends and brothers. They are working side by side, shoulder to shoulder, to advance God’s kingdom in Israel. We have become living proof of the unity between Jews and Arabs made possible through Jesus.

“Until the college was there, the only way that we could educate our young generation, it’s to send them to America. You need to study English in order to study the Bible? It’s the wrong way!”
– Yossi Ovadia, Jewish Pastor
“I didn’t really understand what love was, what brotherly love was, or love for the Lord, until I came to Israel College of the Bible. I started to tell friends in Bethlehem that I found a new family!”
– Ziyad Bannoura, Palestinian Pastor
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Humanitarian Aid

The Gospel is good news to the poor, and so we work to bring practical help to those in need. We take care packages to Holocaust survivors on a regular basis, working in conjunction with the city council.

9% of pregnancies in Israel end in Abortion

*Central Bureau of Statistics 2016 Study
We also support pro-life initiatives in Israel by helping women who chose not to abort their babies despite financial hardship, providing them with the basic supplies that they need.
Pro-Life Single Parent:
“Thank you so much for helping me. I appreciate your help so much. I had no baby food left and was afraid, but God sent you just in time.”
Municipality Coordinator for Holocaust Survivor Program:
“I don’t know how to thank you enough. You are doing a sacred work with helping the Holocaust survivors, and I can’t find the words to thank you for all your faithful help.”
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Women’s Ministry

Many women who had served the church in Israel for years were near burn out. They needed spiritual refreshment, renewed vision, and a refocus on making disciples…
Women in ministry have very little in the way of training and support here in Israel, despite the enormity of the responsibility many are carrying. We have opened a course designed to meet this pressing need: The Certificate of Ministry and Leadership for women. The new program is one of purposeful study and personal discipleship, designed to encourage and equip the women to walk alongside others, providing spiritual care and direction. Participants will gain a strong biblical understanding of women’s identity and calling within their family, the believing community and the wider world. Our goals are to train women leaders who are grounded in biblical truth, equip women leaders for a life of ministry and bring refreshment so that they might enjoy their identity and role in the kingdom. Many of the new, young believers have experienced significant trauma and pain in their past and not many in the churches are equipped to mentor and teach these women. The need is great, and the time is ripe!
“For years I felt alone in ministry, bearing many heavy burdens of the congregation. But thanks to this program, I not only have a new community of women to support me, but I also have new tools to not merely survive in ministry, but to thrive.”
Israeli Ministry leader:
“I never realized there were that many women in the book of Acts…I always think about Acts as being just about the Apostles and all the things they’re doing…but there are so many women…and we are a network of women that continues this book of Acts, an integral part of God’s work in Israel today.”
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Soldiers Ministry

4 out of 10 Messianic IDF Soldiers walk away from their faith after serving in the IDF.
Our soldier’s ministry exists to turn back that tide, from falling away to falling more in Love with God during their service.

Serving in the IDF is not easy.

It comes with a host of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges that can severely test and even break a person.
After high school, almost all Israelis have to do two or three years of army service, which often means being isolated as a believer in some of the most formative years of life. There is a great need for support and encouragement of our soldiers. So we developed a ministry specifically dedicated to meeting the spiritual needs of our soldiers. There are hundreds of Israeli soldiers who love Jesus serving in the IDF, but it is extremely challenging – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

For those who believe in Jesus, they may find themselves the only believer on their base, struggling to stand strong in their faith. Peer pressure at this stage of life can be intense, coupled with the fact that they are surrounded by others living life with very different values and worldviews. It’s a critical time of life for many people as it’s the time people decide how they will live their life and which direction they will head in the future. It’s the time that identities are forged and destinies are set into motion. We engage our soldiers with daily devotionals sent directly to their phones, encouraging and challenging videos on subjects pertinent to their situation, and conferences specifically designed to equip and encourage our soldiers. ONE FOR ISRAEL is determined to provide as much support as we can. We aim to help them grow in their relationship with God during their army service, and to share their faith with those around them, being a light and a witness to everyone they encounter.
IDF Soldier:
We’re all in the same place, serving in the army, but to be able to share our common struggles and hardships that we’re all dealing with, really helps and strengthens us”
“Many times we’re going through something and we think we’re the only one in the world going through it. Then we come here (to the Soldiers Ministry conference), and we begin sharing with one another and discover we’re going through the same things, and we’re able to pray with one another…to be able to share with one another holds so much power, just as Yeshua said ‘two are better than one’”.
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How Can I Help?

ONE FOR ISRAEL has many ministries, but the one thing that unites them all is a simple truth: the best way to bless Israel is with Yeshua. To be one for Israel means to be united with thousands from around the globe who are standing with us to proclaim His name once again in the land where it all began. Together, we’re sowing the seeds of a revival 2000 years in the making. It’s not just a ministry, it’s a movement. And you’re invited to be part of the team. Join us – become ONE FOR ISRAEL today.


We need your continued prayers for the ministry of ONE FOR ISRAEL to reach our country and the nations with the gospel. Pray for those reached to take the next step into discipleship and spiritual growth. Pray for our college as we train up local ministers and equip the Body of Messiah in Israel. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so you can pray with us on the current events and news from our ministry!


Taking the time to reach out to your friends and circle of influence to tell them about ONE FOR ISRAEL and the mission that God has called us to is very appreciated. You can learn more about us and can keep up to date on what’s happening via our weekly email newsletter.


Taking the time to reach out to your friends and circle of influence to tell them about ONE FOR ISRAEL and the mission that God has called us to is very appreciated.

You can learn more about us and can keep up to date on what’s happening via our weekly email newsletter.
ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718