Help us rebuild our campus

Help restore the
One For Israel building recently damaged by fire

Early the morning of June 21, a fire in a nearby dumpster started outside One For Israel’s building in Netanya, and the fire soon spread up the south side of the building.

Thankfully, no one was in the building at the time, and by a miracle of God, our campus library was unharmed — including our collection of irreplaceable Hebrew Old Testament scrolls!

The building itself, however, sustained significant damage, including a number of concrete floor slabs that will have to be replaced to ensure the structural integrity of the building. Thousands of dollars worth of video equipment was also destroyed. 

Insurance is only covering a portion of the repair costs — so we’re asking friends like you to help fully restore One For Israel’s building and equipment through a generous donation today.

Please give as God leads below — and pray with us for full restoration of our building in the coming days. Thank you!

Accountability & Stewardship

ONE FOR ISRAEL believes God delights in faithful stewardship of His resources.
In our aim to have the highest standards of transparency and accountability,
ONE FOR ISRAEL maintains ministry profiles with:

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718 - Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001

Proclaim the Word from Zion

Millions from around the world view our videos and are being connected with God’s heart for Israel and the nations. Your partnership helps us show God’s faithfulness to Israel and brings the Gospel and encouraging testimonies to the nations.

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