“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” - Ecc. 3:1


This enlightening eBook uncovers the profound connection between each feast (or holy day) and God’s grand plan of salvation through Messiah Jesus.

These sacred celebrations not only commemorate past events — they also unveil insights into future promises.

It’s a double revelation, both immediate and prophetic, waiting for you to explore!

Download your free biblical feasts eBook using the form below:

Download your free ‘Discover Jesus in the Biblical Calendar’ eBook in the form below:

When are the biblical feasts?

God mandated special activities on appointed days in Leviticus 23 to prepare His people for the Messiah’s fulfillment. Following these precise timings helps Israel recognize the true Messiah and His purpose. ‘Discover Jesus in the Biblical Calendar’ walks you through the annual feasts step by step — and their meaning in your life today!
‘Discover Jesus in the Biblical Calendar’ eBook

Learn more about Christ in the biblical calendar:

All the biblical feasts point to Jesus
help share His hope with Israel!

Every year, the Jewish holiday seasons are prime times to share the Gospel in Israel. Your support will help take this message to millions of Israelis searching for their Messiah. 

Please give today to be a part of bringing salvation to Israel in 2024!

One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel.