When boasting is good!

“My soul will make its boast in the LORD; The humble will hear it and rejoice” (Ps 34:2).

People who dedicate their lives to boasting about their own works for God always cause the humble to despair. The humble look on at these specimens of perfect piety and think to themselves one of two things: “I will never be as good as that person.” Or: “I never want to be a religious fanatic like that person.” People who dedicate their lives to boasting about God’s works for them always inspire the humble, who have typically lost all hope in ever being good enough, to rejoice in what God is able to do, even for the worst of sinners.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us give the humble a reason to rejoice today. Let us make our boast in the Lord!

“It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all” (1 Tim 1:15).

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