“So they took what Moses had commanded to the front of the tent of meeting, and the whole congregation came near and stood before the LORD. Moses said, ‘This is the thing which the LORD has commanded you to do, that the glory of the LORD may appear to you'” (Lev 9:5-6).

Since the publication of Maimonides’ doctrine of the “incorporeality of God” (God does not have, nor can he take a physical body) in the 12th century, Judaism has by and large emphasized God’s invisibility, transcendence, and distance from creation. No doubt, this doctrine was introduced to Judaism in reaction to the Christian belief in God’s incarnation, but it goes completely against the spirit of the law God gave to his people on Mount Sinai. The entire point of the building of the tabernacle and the anointing of Aaron and his sons (Exod 25-31, 35-40) is so that God can draw near, put on tent, and dwell among his people. The “physical” manifestation of God’s glory in Leviticus 9, therefore, serves as the climax of the entire tabernacle project (see Lev 9:6, 23). According to Moses, God wants us to see his glory!

The entire point of the building of the tabernacle and the anointing of Aaron and his sons, is so that God can draw near, put on tent, and dwell among his people.

And the prophets of Israel obviously agree! Isaiah makes the appearance of God’s glory to all flesh as the telos of God’s redemptive plan for Israel and the world (Isa 40:5; 52:10; ). The incarnation of Jesus, therefore, is not a twisted doctrine inspired by pagan religions; it is, rather, the final destination one reaches by carefully studying the inspired map given to us by Moses and the Prophets!

“A voice is calling, ‘Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God…. Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken” (Isa 40:3, 5).

“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth…. He [John] said, ‘I am A VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, “MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD,” as Isaiah the prophet said'” (John 1:14, 23).

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