Is grace dangerous?

“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 2:1).

Paul, who has completed his race, is giving final instructions to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith. Paul urges Timothy to be “strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Sad to say how often grace is associated with weakness. Preaching grace, I’ve been told, always leads to compromise. But Paul most assuredly disagreed.

Grace is the the pathway to foresight (verse 2) and disciplined living (verses 3-7).

Whenever we focus on strength apart from grace (i.e., personal effort without the gospel), defeatism and/or works based righteousness are sure to follow. Grace, and grace alone is the only power that can get us into the kingdom, and get the kingdom into us!

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” (Tit 2:11-13).

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