"This is the 21st century! Who needs God?!"
In their book, “Evolution from Space”, Nobel Prize of Physics winner – Dr. Fred Hoyle and
In their book, “Evolution from Space”, Nobel Prize of Physics winner – Dr. Fred Hoyle and
Throughout the universe, there is an infinite number of stars and planets. In the Milky Way
In the Bible, King David wrote: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky shows
Let’s assume that God DOES exist. Does that mean that the way to reach him is
The rabbis claim that it is not possible to be Jewish and believe in Jesus. For
The truth is, this statement is based on a false assumption. There have been many great
It can be bewildering considering that Yeshua the Messiah was an Israeli-born Jew, grew up in
The rabbis claim that it is forbidden for a Jewish person to read or even go
The rabbis claim that Jesus was a false prophet who incited the people of Israel and
The ninth chapter of the book of Daniel contains one of the most important prophecies in
Who Really Killed Jesus? Not the Jewish people as a nation, decreed Pope Benedict XVI, who
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