If Jesus is the Messiah, How Come No Rabbis Believe in Him?
The truth is, this statement is based on a false assumption. There have been many great
The truth is, this statement is based on a false assumption. There have been many great
There are so many prophecies and promises in the Bible concerning Israel that have come true,
ONE FOR ISRAEL is one of the largest Israeli Messianic Jewish ministries in the world. As
Psalm 92:12-13 says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a
There was a song we used to sing about God piercing our ears as a mark
When we talk about “The Ark” in the Bible, we could either be talking about the
There are two problems that Gentiles used to wrestle with back in the first century, and
One of the hardest things for Jewish people to deal with when it comes to Yeshua
Rabbi Tovia Singer says: “Anyone who thinks that God came down to us, manifested as anything,
The Feast of Sukkot is a time of rejoicing and ingathering, but here we will concentrate
Abram was called “Abraham the Hebrew” in Genesis 14:13, which is the first time that the
Where did baptism come from? A Jewish man called Yochanan was baptising people in the Jordan
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