The Biblical Feasts of Israel All Point to Jesus
God commanded His people: Have a feast! Take a break! He made festivals part of the
God commanded His people: Have a feast! Take a break! He made festivals part of the
We generally say that we are not under the Law of Moses anymore, but how about
Mezuzah is the Hebrew word for doorframe. It is also the name of the little ornament
What is Rosh Hashana? Much of the world celebrates a new start as December 31st turns
By Noel Goetz Did you ever stop to wonder why Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark
The Israeli flag can be seen all around the country, and is a symbol of joy
The name of God in the Jewish Scriptures is an enigmatic mystery. People often pronounce the
In a contest for the best king of Israel, David would surely win. Though not without
December 25th: A joyful day to celebrate the Messiah coming to earth… or a hijacked pagan
Luther is famous for propelling the Protestant Reformation into action, and also, less illustriously, for penning
What are we to make of the Balfour Declaration today? The words below have been prayed
Like so many things in the Torah this one aspect is so very profound, dare I say earth shaking, because it is hidden in plain sight.
© 2025 – One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel.