An Isaiah 53 sermon, from the perspective of a Jewish listener
“Isaiah 53 has been called ‘the torture chamber of the Rabbis and ‘the guilty conscious of
“Isaiah 53 has been called ‘the torture chamber of the Rabbis and ‘the guilty conscious of
Although Messianic Jewish believers are in the minority among the total Jewish population, today a remnant
Guest blog by Dr. David R. Reagan of Lion and Lamb Ministries For almost 2,000 years
Gentiles have been grafted in to the house and the story of Israel. If anyone has
Perhaps you have heard the Jewish exclamation, “L’chaim!” It means “To life!” and is said as
Right from the get-go, God knew full well that His people would go astray. But He
Second to saving the world at Calvary, I think that the Passover miracle is God’s favorite.
There was a humble German carpenter who loved the Lord and lived in Romania around the
The ninth chapter of the book of Daniel contains one of the most important prophecies in
Bus loads of Holocaust survivors came to hear a stirring performance of Handel’s Messiah at the
Historians have discovered evidence of communities in ancient Israel that believed the Messiah would suffer and
Shmuely Boteach is one of many Jewish people who are beginning to wonder why the most
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