Attitudes to Women: the Rabbis vs Jesus
The Jerusalem Talmud was written during the 5th century CE, hundreds of years after Jesus lived
The Jerusalem Talmud was written during the 5th century CE, hundreds of years after Jesus lived
Rabbi Tovia Singer claims: “If Jesus was the Messiah, you would have known that from reading
Rabbi Tovia Singer claims: “If Jesus was the Messiah, you would have known that from reading
The New Testament tells us that, according to the Old Testament prophecy, Jesus was born through
A New Testament scholar is someone who has invested many years of his life, in academic
The story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is one of the greatest miracles and wonders
When God created mankind, He gave them freedom. Freedom is a good thing, but if human
The Old Testament teaches that because of the sin that entered the world, there is no
As we know, blood sacrifice is a central theme in the Torah, when it comes to
The motif of the blood is so strong, so central, and so important in the Pentateuch
Rabbi Yosi Mizrachi claims that Jesus cannot be the Messiah, because when he was on the
One of the ways that some modern rabbis to try to contradict the Messiahship of Jesus
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