“Imagine becoming the
first believer in your community

and there is no one to disciple you or to teach you how to establish a congregation.”
"It made me realize how great God is and how faithful He is, and it’s not important what background we come from, Arab or Jewish, God is for all of us."
– Shamss Asfour, Arab student from Nazareth
"I didn’t really understand what love was, what brotherly love was, or love for the Lord, until I came to Israel College of the Bible. I started to tell friends in Bethlehem that I found a new family!”
– Ziyad Bannoura, Palestinian Pastor
“What happened in this class is an historical event”
– Meno Kalisher, Jewish Pastor
“One of the most moving experiences I had was during our weekly time of collective worship. I opened my eyes and looked out over the student body. I suddenly noticed how we had come to study from all kinds of different backgrounds, but we were united in praising the Lord together.”
– Jewish student
“Even though I am preaching already 26 years, I received a new way”
– Yossi Ovadia, Jewish Pastor
“It was a year of education. Most importantly, a standard of teaching, a standard of how to approach the Bible, a standard of church management. What I will take is the expository teaching because…as a pastor / elder, I am measured by God by the way I did with His Word. And when Israel College of the Bible gave me enhancement for this tool, that’s what counts in the end of the day before the throne of Messiah”
– Meno Kalisher, Jewish Pastor

We are the only evangelical Hebrew-speaking seminary in the world.

Our Bible college and seminary, Israel College of the Bible, broke new ground for the growth of the Gospel in Israel. Previously, pastors and ministry leaders had to learn English and travel abroad for years to get proper Bible training. But today they can stay in Israel, plugged into their calling, and study in their native tongue. This has been revolutionary for church growth in Israel. Our goal is to equip Israeli believers with the tools they need for God’s service, right where they are. We offer courses online and in person ranging from certificate programs to advanced courses for pastors and ministry workers. As well we opened a special program specifically for senior leadership and pastors in Israel, and in the first year, an equal number of Messianic Jewish and Evangelical Arab pastors enrolled. During their studies, they became great friends and brothers. They are working side by side, shoulder to shoulder, to advance God’s kingdom in Israel. Following the success with senior pastors, we have begun a similar program for women leaders from both communities with great success. We have become living proof of the unity between Jews and Arabs made possible through Jesus.

A place where Jews and Arabs no longer need to leave their land or study in a different language.

Our Vision

Bring back. Equip. Reach.
Bringing the gospel back to Israel, equipping believers to reach the world from Israel.

-Erez Soref, President ONE FOR ISRAEL
Dr. Erez Soref, President One For Israel
of Israelis don’t have a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus)
0 %
Our heart’s cry and calling is to bring the gospel back to them.
Not from outside Israel, but from within.

Israel College of the Bible is the ONE FOR ISRAEL ministry that started it all. From our Bible college, all the other ministries of ONE FOR ISRAEL – media evangelism & discipleship, soldiers ministry, humanitarian aid to Holocaust survivors, and pro-life ministry – sprang forth and have been nurtured, like branches from a tree. Everything we do is grounded by the foundation that the Bible college sets: a foundation firmly planted in the Word of God.
As Israel’s only evangelical Hebrew-speaking Bible college, we are strategically situated in the heart of the country to equip the Body of Messiah to do ministry throughout Israel, in the congregations and in the marketplace.
Our mission is to bring the Gospel back to the Land where it all began, to Israel, and from there to proclaim it once again to the nations. To equip the Body of Messiah in Israel to flourish in both discipleship and evangelism and to launch leaders who will once again take the Good News from Israel to the end of the earth.

Graduates from Israel College of the Bible
689 +

Impact on the Local Church

Israel’s Messianic Jewish community is young. Like modern Israel, you could say it was also founded in 1948. Back then there were only a handful of believing families in the Land…
As a young community, it was like starting back in the first century all over again. Everything was new. How do you follow the Lord in community? What does it mean to be a believer in Jesus in Israel? (Imagine becoming the first believer in your area and having no one to disciple you, to teach, to show you how to build a congregation.) This was the reality for many first-generation believers in Israel.

As the Body of Messiah grew since 1948, the need for theologically sound biblical education became apparent, leading to the establishment of Israel College of the Bible in 1990. Since then, Israelis no longer have had to leave the land or study in a second language to learn the Word of God and train for ministry.

At Israel College of the Bible, we teach pastors, leaders and lay people how to study the Bible, how to think critically, and how to identify theological errors, creating a generation of workers able to correctly explain God’s Word (1 Timothy 2:15). Our students learn valuable skills such as how to prepare a sermon, how to use Bible software, how to run a non-profit according to the guidelines of the Israeli government, and how to engage as believers within the culture. Today, our graduates are making an impact throughout Israel as pastors, business leaders, lawyers, counselors, soldiers, public servants, and more.

Meet our graduates:

"It made me realize how great God is and how faithful He is, and it’s not important what background we come from, Arab or Jewish, God is for all of us."
– Shamss Asfour, Arab student from Nazareth
"I didn’t really understand what love was, what brotherly love was, or love for the Lord, until I came to Israel College of the Bible. I started to tell friends in Bethlehem that I found a new family!”
– Ziyad Bannoura, Palestinian Pastor
“What happened in this class is an historical event”
– Meno Kalisher, Jewish Pastor
“One of the most moving experiences I had was during our weekly time of collective worship. I opened my eyes and looked out over the student body. I suddenly noticed how we had come to study from all kinds of different backgrounds, but we were united in praising the Lord together.”
– Jewish student
“Even though I am preaching already 26 years, I received a new way”
– Yossi Ovadia, Jewish Pastor
“It was a year of education. Most importantly, a standard of teaching, a standard of how to approach the Bible, a standard of church management. What I will take is the expository teaching because…as a pastor / elder, I am measured by God by the way I did with His Word. And when Israel College of the Bible gave me enhancement for this tool, that’s what counts in the end of the day before the throne of Messiah”
– Meno Kalisher, Jewish Pastor

Jews & Arabs Together

Israel College of the Bible is a living testimony of God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel and the power of the gospel to unite Jews and Arabs.

In early 2010 the political situation had caused a growing divide amongst the Jewish and Arab believers in Israel. Something needed to be done…
Though Israel College of the Bible was specifically created to serve the needs of the Israeli Messianic Jewish community, God’s plans for us were much bigger. Arab believers, both Israeli and Palestinian, heard about the college, and especially since 2010, have been enrolling steadily year after year. Today, about 30% of our student body consists of Arab believers in Jesus.

Visiting our college, you will see both Jewish and Arab students studying and worshipping together, and Jewish and Arab professors leading the classes. This Ephesians 2 “one new man reality” has been the Lord’s heart all along, as it is written of Messiah Jesus: “You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6)

While the political situation in the Middle East may have caused a divide, at Israel College of the Bible, we rejoice in the fact that Messiah Yeshua is our peace, and He has reconciled us both to God and to each other. We understand that we need each other, and that the future of the Body of Messiah in Israel is a future of Jew and Arab, united in Jesus.

“The advanced program for senior pastors brought together our Jewish and Arab pastors and it was a game changer…”

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What's Next?

The vision for our Bible college is constantly expanding, and we need a new campus that can facilitate this vision. Our goal is to create a multi-faceted epicenter, designed to equip and serve the Body of Messiah in Israel…

We’ve come a long way since 1990, and we’re excited for what the future holds. ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Vision includes our bible college expansion to a new campus that will allow for greater impact and greater possibilities for ministry.      

Today, the majority of the ministry of ONE FOR ISRAEL takes place on the top two floors of a three-story building in an industrial zone. You wouldn’t know it from photos of the interior of the building, as by God’s grace and help from some outstanding interior decorators we have been able to create a clean, bright, professional space. However, as much as our current building has been a blessing and has allowed our ministry to grow to its current level, to fulfill all that God has called us to do, we are making preparations to expand to a new location. 

A new campus will multiply and maximize the impact of the Body of Messiah in Israel.

  • Our current location has limited meeting space and no parking for students. The new location will provide space for a wide variety of activities not currently feasible, such as student conferences, praise conferences, events for Messianic soldiers, and more. It will help us to facilitate a thriving campus community.   
  • It will increase the visibility of our ministry on a national level, taking us from a relatively obscure location to, Lord-willing, a front-and-center location. 
  • It will take our Bible College from being a building, as it is now, to being an epicenter, a national hub serving the entire Body of Messiah in Israel.

Study With Us


Gain insights on the Bible, Israel, Jewish culture, and more from Israel College of the Bible’s free online resources.


Online Courses

Bringing the Land of the Bible Right to your Desk 

Study Tours

Visit Israel - the Land of the Bible


Our Bible college is built on a strong foundation of prayer and support from believers all around the world. Be part of equipping the next generation of Israel’s spiritual leaders by supporting Israel College of the Bible today!


Pray for our Bible college faculty as they train up our students for ministry. Pray for our Jewish and Arab students as they study together. Pray for our students who are new believers, many of whom do not have the support of their families and friends, as they follow the Lord’s call to serve the Body of Messiah, preach the gospel, and make disciples.


Proclaim to your friends, family, small group, church or congregation how the Church is once again growing in Israel after 2000 years. Share with them that there is a place where Jews and Arabs are studying the Word of God together and training for ministry, and how they can be a part of equipping these students.


Partner with our Bible college students and faculty today and be part of raising up the next generation of Israel’s spiritual leaders. Your generous giving supports groundbreaking programs, much-needed financial scholarships, life-changing student mission trips, and more — all through the only evangelical Hebrew speaking seminary in the world!

Consider a monthly or recurring gift to help us budget and expand our work to equip more Israelis for ministry.

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718

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