“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Recently, one of the largest Israeli news corporations, “Walla! News” released two video interviews with us (out of five produced) on the subject of Messianic Jews and faith in Yeshua (Jesus).
As expected, “Walla! News” received intense threats from some within the Rabbinic Ultra-Orthodox community who banded together, threatening to sue the company because of the exposure “Walla! News” provided to the name of Yeshua and to Messianic Jews.
After the legal consultants of “Walla! News” explored the issue at depth, they came to the correct conclusion that no law was in fact violated, and they decided to re-release the videos.
A week later, however, “Walla! News” received additional threats from Rabbinic Ultra-Orthodox representatives, threatening a major consumer boycott on “Walla! News” and its mother corporation. Consequently, “Walla! News” decided to remove the interviews from the site on Friday, the 25th of December.
The State of Israel is a democracy that ensures freedom of speech to extreme leftist activists, to the homosexual community, to the Islamic community, and to all who so desire to make their opinions heard.
It seems, however, this freedom is not accorded when it comes to the name of Yeshua. Yeshua apparently represents the “red line” for Israeli democracy.
No doubt, this is a frustrating situation. At the same time, we are encouraged by the widespread exposure for the name of Yeshua that did take place. It is important to note that we at ONE FOR ISRAEL bear no ill feelings those who oppose our rights to freedom of speech, and we continually pray for those who attempt to persecute us. Just as the first Messianic Jews refused to keep silent about their Messiah two thousand years ago, at our ministry we do not intend to slow our pace or to silence the public discussion about Yeshua just because of persecution.
To be honest, this past year ONE FOR ISRAEL experienced an amazing breakthrough as an unprecedented number of Israelis discovered Yeshua the Jewish Messiah!
Please continue to pray with us for the salvation of Israel!
Wishing all of you a blessed 2016!

Imprecatory Psalms: Is it Good to Ask God to Punish Evil?
You’d be forgiven for not knowing what an “imprecatory psalm” or an