Jews and Arabs Gather Together to Pray in the Name of Yeshua

Hundreds of Jewish and Arab believers from the north of Israel gathered in a forest in the Galilee region on Shabbat to worship God together. There was singing in both Arabic and Hebrew, and messages from the Word of God about his power to save and transform – but much of the time was spent calling out to God for revival.
One of the pastors shared a message of hope from Isaiah, specifically about the Galilee area in the north of Israel:

But there is no gloom to her
    who was in anguish, as in time past.
He treated lightly the land of Zebulun
    and the land of Naphtali,
but in the future He will bring glory—
by the way of the sea,
    beyond the Jordan—
    Galilee of the Gentiles.
The people walking in darkness
    will see a great light.
Upon those dwelling in the land of the shadow of death,
    light will shine.
Isaiah 8:23-9:1

Another Jewish Messianic pastor explained, “We’re a team of pastors of congregations from the Galilee that puts this event together, to bring the hearts of Jews and Arabs together in the Lord. It’s a really special atmosphere – the central thing that we have here is a focus on unity and revival”.[1]
An Arab pastor affirmed, “I’m here to to declare that the body of Messiah is alive, and I’d encourage others to join us… unity is so important”, while another Arab pastor said, “We come every year and it’s really important to be here, a rare opportunity worship God together… in Hebrew, in Arabic, in Russian, to share testimonies and to pray together”.
Many of the Jewish and Arab pastors at the event had studied together with us at Israel College of the Bible on our MA program specifically designed to equip senior pastors in Israel. There are strong friendships as a result, and opportunities to serve alongside each other like this are always welcome.

The event has been held in the forests of the Galilee for some 30 years, in order to build connections in the name of Yeshua. Each year, hundreds of believers come from all kinds of backgrounds – Ethiopian, Russian, Arab, Jewish Israeli and some from other nations around the world as an expression of their unity in the Messiah. Many have been attending for years, and look forward to catching up with old friends they rarely see, and also meeting new friends. There are stalls where people can learn about discipleship programs and Messianic initiatives that they might not otherwise know about, and there was a time of food and fellowship as well.

One participant said, 
“I’ve been coming here since I was young, and many ask what we all have in common, coming from different places, speaking different languages, but what we have in common is Yeshua and through him we are one”. Another shared, “I started coming 25 years ago, I felt that somehow it’s a key to revival from the two sides – God is waiting to see where is my heart towards the Arabs? And where is their heart towards us? And so I expect to see revival here in the Galilee”.
It’s a time to pray for salvation, for protection, and for our leaders, for Arab brothers and sisters in Israel, in the Palestinian territories, and for salvation to go out in among those communities even further still. There remain deep wounds and divisions between Arab and Jewish believers in Israel, but it delights the heart of God when we express our desire for unity in words and in actions. God loves to respond to our requests when they are so close to his heart.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard—Aaron’s beard—
coming down on the collar of his robes.
It is like the dew of Hermon, coming down upon the mountains of Zion.
For there Adonai commanded the blessing—life forevermore!

Psalm 133

[1] All quotes from video by Kehila news

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