My story:
You guys are such stars I’m so glad I came across your videos. It was one of them a few months back which lasted more than an hour: “Zamir Cohen destroys Christianity – or does he just humiliate himself?” The truth is I watched it twice in order to learn the answers by heart because my family hates Jesus and listens to Zamir Cohen, and every single word of several other rabbis too, and every time I came with one of your answers (whenever I could remember them) my family would have nothing to say after that in response.
What to know
- Famous rabbis sometimes speak against Jesus and try to disprove our faith, so our videos which tackle their objections point by point have encouraged many Jewish people to seek the truth and find out more for themselves.
- Our videos help present the truth about Jesus in a way that is easier to hear and think about, in the Hebrew language and from a Jewish perspective.
- Many will consider the claims of Jesus by being able to explore their questions in private, without feeling pushed or harassed. Media ministry is a perfect way for Jewish Israelis to hear the truth about Jesus.
- It is common to hear new believers in Israel share their testimony saying they found Jesus on the internet, when they started googling their questions.
How to Pray
- Pray for believers like this one who is encouraging his family to consider the claims of Yeshua by sharing our videos with them.
- Pray that many more find our videos online and come to believe in Jesus.
- Pray for those who believe in Jesus in secret to find ways to connect with others and find fellowship so they can grow.
- Pray for us, as we support seekers and new believers who want to follow Jesus even though the cost is high.
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