The Spirit of the Law – Faith
What is TRUE faith? Is it just a mental accent, or something deeper? What does the
What is TRUE faith? Is it just a mental accent, or something deeper? What does the
What is Love? We dig into the Greatest commandment of them all! to LOVE the Lord
What’s your motivation to study and follow the Word of God? Do you obey God just
Are you Kosher? Is Kosher what we eat? Should I mix milk and meat? What about
In the last month we’ve seen over 4.7 million views of our Gospel films and testimonies
Sometimes waiting is the hardest part, and in today’s crisis we have to practice a lot
What does it mean to take God’s name in vain? Is it just about cursing and
Dr. Erez Soref speaks on his experience as a Jewish Israeli who was shocked to discover
Anti-semitism has hit a new low. A new Danish translation of the Bible has purged the
Dr. Soref joins us for a special Podcast to discus his personal revelations into this passover
Dr. Broshi dives into the Spirit of the Law, basically how do we approach these commands
Wrapping up our 7 part series on the 7 Revolutions of Rabbinic Judaism, Dr Broshi discusses
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