


Arabic Outreach

Muslims Met Messiah

John, our Yemeni friend, explains how he now loves Jesus and Israel

Our Yemeni Friend who Loves Jesus… and Israel

A Yemeni ex-Muslim named John Ghanim has undergone the most extraordinary life transformation. So dramatic is his story that it went viral with over 16 million views from Yemenis watching in their dialect. He started life in a simple village in the Yemen, a country known for its deep devotion to

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Reading the Bible in Gaza

He wrapped it back up in the cloth, put it carefully back in the hole in the wall, and covered it up with a brick. No one would ever guess it was there. Ali (not his real name) was fascinated by the Bible. He had downloaded a Bible app to

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The Power of the Tongue

The tongue is the most powerful part of the human body. It’s also the most dangerous weapon. A sword can cut the body but a tongue can wound the soul. The tongue has power to incite hatred and start wars more than any other weapon on the planet. That’s why it is said:

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Joy – How to keep it when it’s hard?

What’s the source of your Joy? Especially when times are hard we need a steadfast source of Joy that can’t be rocked by the circumstances around us. We wanted to share another one of our Online Discipleship videos in Hebrew with English subtitles, let us know in the comments what your Joy is and how Yeshua fulfills your Joy!

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What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel, exactly? The word “gospel”, as many well know, means “good news”, “good message”, or “glad tidings”. It comes from the old English godspel from god “good” and spel “story, message” 1. In Greek, the word is evangel, from which we get the words evangelism and evangelist –

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Jewish Holidays

Jewish Holidays

Christmakkah - the Christmas, Hanukkah and Sukkot connection

Christmakkah: The Hanukkah, Sukkot & Christmas Connection!

It’s Christmakkah! Occasionally, Hanukkah and Christmas collide. Many think of these holidays like oil and water—from two completely different faith traditions that cannot be mixed. Many who celebrate Hanukkah, even if they love Jesus, will struggle with Christmas. Similarly, many Christians mistakenly think Hanukkah has nothing to do with them.

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