“‘This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations, as a statute forever, you shall keep it as a feast.’” (Exodus 12:14)

April 2025

Notable dates & events

April 12th after sunset is time for the Passover seder, when Jewish families eat the Passover together. But surprisingly, lamb is not usually on the menu. The Reason You Won’t Often Find Lamb at a Jewish Passover Meal

April 13th is the first full day of the Passover holiday, which lasts a week. What’s the story? The Power of Passover 

April 13th is also when the Jewish people will begin “Counting the Omer”, which is the biblical command to count the seven weeks (seven “shavuot”) between Passover and Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks. The Biblical Tradition of Counting the Omer 

April 18th is Good Friday, when Christians mark the crucifixion. It’s usually a different date to the Passover, but they used to be on the same date. Why are Passover and Easter Celebrated at Different Times?

April 20th is the first Sunday after the Shabbat of Passover week, which according to the Bible should be the Feast of Firstfruits. This feast is the Torah’s indication of Resurrection Day! He is RIsen! The Torah Singles Out Resurrection Sunday.

April 20th is the last day of the Passover week. Should Christians celebrate Passover?

April 24th From sundown of April 23rd through till the next sundown on 24th is Yom haShoah, Israel’s Holocaust Memorial day. It’s always on 27th of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, and it’s a separate day from the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Holocaust has scarred not only on the survivors but also their descendents who are alive today. Liat’s testimony

In Hebrew it’s known as Yom haShoah, but more specifically, it’s the day to remember both the Holocaust and also heroism because there were many Jewish people who valiantly struggled against the Nazis and refused to be victims. There were approximately ¼ of a million Messianic Jews at the time of the Holocaust, most of whom were killed. Many of them were in the famous Warsaw Ghetto, where there was a great uprising. Messianic heroes of the warsaw ghetto 

April 30th is Memorial Day in Israel, when we remember all those lost in war and through acts of terrorism. On the evening of 29th April a siren sounds and places of entertainment close until sundown on 30th.

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The Passover, Passover Scripture and the Story of Exodus
Biblical Feasts

The Power of Passover

Second to saving the world at Calvary, I think that the Passover miracle is God’s favorite. He talks about it often in Scripture, and made

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