



Answering the Rabbis

Why Messiah must be God!

Does the New Testament turn a mere man into God? This is what New Testament critic Rabbi Daniel Asor thinks: “The Bible rejects pagan idolatry that revolves around human-like gods, men as gods.” Correct. In the pagan cultures of the East, gurus climb up a religious ladder until they get to the highest step of becoming a god. This is idolatry without

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Answering the Atheist

Are Miracles Possible?

The Bible describes phenomena which, according to the laws of nature, are impossible. Virgins don’t give birth. Angels don’t deliver messages to humans. The sea doesn’t part on its own. Fire doesn’t rain down from the sky. People don’t walk on water. The dead don’t come back to life. Donkeys

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A Moral Argument for God

Some ask: how is it possible to believe in the existence of an all powerful God when the world is immersed in so much evil and wickedness? The problem is, that if there is NO God, there is also no such thing as “evil” or “wickedness”. After all, the claim that rape

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Is Jesus Just for the Simple and Uneducated?

Will an educated person inevitably reject the message of Jesus? And what about an intelligent Jew? Would they automatically reject Jesus and His teachings? Is it only fools and uneducated people that are impressed by the message of Jesus? This is what the rabbis want you to believe at least

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Answers in Prophecy

Isn’t the Messiah Supposed to Bring World Peace?

Rabbi Tovia Singer claims: “If Jesus was the Messiah, you would have known that from reading the newspapers, because the front page would be about peace instead of wars. But since Jesus’ time until this day, more than 120 million people have died in wars.” Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi added that

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Isn’t the Messiah Supposed to Bring World Peace?

Rabbi Tovia Singer claims: “If Jesus was the Messiah, you would have known that from reading the newspapers, because the front page would be about peace instead of wars. But since Jesus’ time until this day, more than 120 million people have died in wars.” Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi added that

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What is the Purpose of the Torah (Law)?

Rabbi Yaakov Ades writes: “The more we know about the value of the Law and of our soul, the more strength we will have to strive and overcome in the work of the LORD. Therefore, we need to know the great value of the Law and the commandments. The Vilna

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Is Blood Necessary for Atonement of Sins?

The motif of the blood is so strong, so central, and so important in the Pentateuch that it’s impossible to separate it from the motif of sacrifice and atonement for sins, which are interrelated. The Pentateuch teaches that when someone sins, they must be put to death, or that someone

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