ONE FOR ISRAEL is an initiative of native-born Israelis on the forefront of high-tech media evangelism, proclaiming salvation to Israel, raising up spiritual leaders through ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College and equipping them with the tools they need to transform our communities.
BUT TODAY, a group of native-born Israelis are bringing the Gospel Light back to Israel again. Using innovative methods and technologies, ONE FOR ISRAEL is sending God’s Word out again from Zion throughout the world proclaiming the Gospel of Messiah.
Reaching Jews and Arabs with the Gospel in Hebrew & Arabic! Learn more:
Jewish Evangelism in Israel ›'I Met Messiah' - Messianic Jewish people who believe in Jesus. Watch testimonies:
JEWISH TESTIMONIES ›Spiritual care: Grounded in biblical truth, equipping women for ministry. Learn more:
Women in Leadership Ministry ›Reaching our neighbors in the Middle East: Testimonies, Apologetics & Teachings in Arabic. Learn more:
Arabic / Muslim outreach ›The only Bible College uniting Jews & Arabs through the Gospel! Learn more:
BIble college / Seminary ›Hope for those in need: Supporting Holocaust Survivors & Pro-Life Families. Learn more:
Humanitarian aid & Pro-Life ›A place of refuge: Ministering to believing soldiers in this critical season of life. Learn more:
IDF Soldiers Ministry ›“And you shall call his name…” announced the angel Gabriel, “Jesus”. No he didn’t. He said “Yeshua”. But then again, Gabriel wasn’t really called Gabriel either – in Hebrew it
“The ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough.” (Psalm 49:8) When we try to put a
“Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, ‘The LORD has not chosen
He was a Muslim commander in the Iranian army, full of hate for Israel, but the Jewish Messiah changed his heart to love God’s chosen people!
Yoav lived a surfer’s dream, but that was nothing compared to what he found. That peace hasn’t left him till this day. For more videos, visit us on YouTube or see more right here at!
A MUST WATCH story of a Muslim woman who hated the Jews and ended up falling in love with their King – JESUS! P.S. There is a surprise at the end! *Veil dress has been worn to protect her identity and the security of her family. Get your T-Shirt:
Israeli Jewish Millionaire Found Her Lifestyle To Be EMPTY.
new Jewish believer
new believer from Egypt
Jewish man from an Orthodox background
Raised in a Orthodox home in the Bronx Greg Hershberg never connected deeply with the synagogue as a young man. Shortly after college he started to climb the ladder of success living the high life in New York City. But it was in Israel on his honeymoon vacation that he
Dr. Seth Postell shares his story on how growing up Jewish he came to know Jesus as Messiah! Read Seth’s Book “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus“.
Jonathan Bernis of “Jewish Voice” shares his testimony how as a Jewish person he found Christ!
© 2025 – One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel.